Monday, April 4, 2011

Creating Mood!!

CREATING MOOD 1. The writer of the article say creating mood is for him when he said it's all about the feeling of being there, of taking the viewer to the location of the photo to feel like I did when the shot was taken. 2. A common element that can add mood to a photo is fog. 3. Storm clouds add mood because the darker, more ominous and threatening the sky, the more drama and mood you'll have in the resulting images. Storm clouds can convey depression, pain, hurt, harm, or danger. 4. The kind of effect running water can have is nice. 5. Many different people can find many different moods in a photo because what creates a mood in one person may not work that way in another. ADDING EMOTION 1. Adding emotion makes a great photo because it helps a viewer connect with a piece if that emotion is prevalent in the viewer. 2. The photo should express what you see and feel through the viewfinder. 3. Faces convey emotion easily because you can look back and remember what you were feeling that day. 4. It would put your surroundings in a relaxing stance, and you'll take better shots. 5. What emotion am I trying to convey?

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